Increase height with Tadasana

     People do not find time for themselves in erratic eating and busy lifestyle.  Due to this, they have to face many diseases besides mental stress.  But all these problems can be dealt with only 10 to 15 minutes of Tadasana in a day.  By doing this, the entire body becomes irritated, which benefits every part of the body.  By doing it regularly, the growth rate is also fast and the body also becomes smooth.  Yoga teacher Dr. Omananda is telling about its benefits ....

 There are many benefits to practicing Tadasana.  First of all, it is helpful in increasing the height.  Therefore, it is considered good for children to practice Tadasana regularly.  If adults also practice Tadasana regularly, their height increases to some extent.  Many health benefits are also obtained through this simple asana.  Let us know in detail: Method first stand upright.  Keep the waist and neck straight.  Now move your hands from the front to the top of the head and while breathing, slowly pull the entire body.  The stretch on the body will be felt from the toe to the toes.  Stay in this state for a while.  Now slowly exhale and come to the initial position.  In this way a cycle is completed.  You can practice it according to your ability.  Benefit .  Height increases with regular practice of Tadasana.  .  Full body fat is reduced by Tadasana.  .  Get rid of back pain, muscle pain or knee pain.  Note - If there is always pain in the knee, do not meditate.  Pregnant women should also not do it.  For the first time, do it under the supervision of a specialist.

 Know about its benefits

 To increase 1 height, it causes spinal stretch which helps to increase height.  If children between 5 and 16 years of age do it, then their height growth is right, besides it increases concentration and the body remains balanced.  It helps and the body comes in shape. 3 Relief of knee and back pain. While doing this asana, the body pulls upwards. This relieves back and knee pain.  It is beneficial for muscles and muscles, it brings flexibility and strength in the muscles.  It also relieves muscle spasm and torsion. 5 legs are strong

 Tadasana strengthens the muscles of the feet, which relieves many problems like swelling, pain, numbness or tingling.

 Method of palmistry

 First of all, stand in a normal position and straighten the waist and neck.  After this, put your hands on the head and shoulders and while breathing, pull the whole body upwards and stand on the soles of the feet.  Feel the stretch from the toes to the toes.  Stay in this position as long as possible.  Now slowly exhale, bring your hands and body back to normal.

 These people take care

 Tadasan should not be spent much time by those who have a complaint of blood pressure, they can do it under the supervision of a specialist according to their convenience.  Those who are complaining of dizziness, they should take expert advice before doing it.

 When and for how long?

 Doing it in the morning is considered to be the most beneficial.  But if you cannot find time in the morning then you can do it anytime of the day.  It should not be done immediately after eating food.  Because then it takes energy to digest food, that is why you will not be able to delay it.  Do this at least 3 to 4 times.  You can take 1-2 minutes rest in between.

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