The device will generate electricity from the wind

    The scientists from the University of Massachusetts Amhert can generate close electricity, although it has designed another device that can make more electricity by connecting the wind power device together.  This device can also cause moisture in the air.  Preparation of this device can be converted into electricity.  This device is now being called a similar commercial generator after Air.  This generator has 10 micron devices ready to produce.  Also, thinner electrodes are also used with this technique.  These electrodes use the water present in the environment to be used in smartwatches and smartphones.  Even after this planning is going on.  The advantage of this device is that the protein present in the electrode will react with water that the chargeable device does the problem of charging and then electricity is generated.  Will end by air only.  This most useful device that makes electricity.  Wearable industry of 5 volts will be.

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